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First phase of the indian national movement (1885 – 1907)

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Class 10 History Chapter 3
First phase of the indian national movement (1885 – 1907)
Important Questions

Here are some important class 10 First phase of the indian national movement (1885 – 1907) important questions and answers. These questions aim to aid students in practising and achieving high scores in their ICSE Class 10 History & Civics Examination 2024-25. Diverse question types will assist in clarifying doubts and effective exam preparation, enhancing problem-solving skills, and building confidence. Important questions for class 10 ICSE history will be helpful in preparing well for the exam.


During 1858 to 1905, the initial phase of the Indian National Movement saw moderate leaders like Naoroji, Gokhale, and Bonnerjee advocating for change through peaceful means. They sought reforms within the British system through discussions, petitions, and emphasizing civil rights. Their key demands were expanded legislative councils, local civil service exams, economic benefits, and protection for Indian industries. Naoroji’s ‘Drain Theory’ critiqued British imperialism economically. These concepts are crucial when studying class 10 First phase of the indian national movement (1885 – 1907) important questions and answers.

What is the First phase of the Indian national movement (1885 – 1907)?

The first phase of the Indian national movement, spanning from 1885 to 1907, was characterized by the emergence of organized political activities aimed at addressing colonial governance. Marked by the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885, this phase emphasized moderate approaches to bring about change within the British system. Leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, and others led the charge, advocating for constitutional reforms, increased Indian participation in governance, and civil rights. Their strategies involved petitions, discussions, and efforts to enlighten the British about India’s true conditions, aiming to influence policy reforms. This period also witnessed the articulation of economic critiques of British rule, notably through Naoroji’s ‘Drain Theory,’ highlighting the economic exploitation of India. However, growing disillusionment with the British government’s responsiveness eventually led to a shift in strategies in the subsequent phase of the movement.
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Class 10 First phase of the indian national movement (1885 – 1907) important questions and answers

Q1. What was the highest rank that a native sepoy could rise to?
(a) Subedar
(b) Commander
(c) Colonel
(d) Brigadier General

Ans. (a) Subedar


Until 1857, Indian soldiers were restricted to the rank of 'Subedar.' The majority of Indian soldiers held the position of 'Coolie Soldiers,' while the higher positions, including officers and generals, were exclusively reserved for British personnel.

Q2. Complete the given analogy: Dadabhai Naoroji : London India Society :: Gopal Krishna Gokhale : ?
(a) Servants of India Society
(b) Indian Association
(c) Brahmo Samaj
(d)Created an All India Political Association

Ans. (a) Servants of India Society

Gopal Krishna Gokhale founded Servants of India Society in 1915. He was regarded as Mahatma Gandhi's political guru.

Q3. By 1857, conditions were ripe for a mass uprising in the form of the Great Revolt of 1857. In this context, explain any three military causes.


Three military causes were :
1. Ill treatment of Indian soldiers and lower salaries :
The Indian soldiers were poorly paid, they were ill fed and badly housed. British military authorities forbade the sepoys from wearing caste or sectarian marks.
2. General Service Enlistment Act :
According to the General Service Enlistment Act, Indian soldiers could be sent overseas on duty but it was a taboo for a Brahmin to cross the sea. So, the British did not take into account the sentiments of the Indian soldiers.
‍3. Less chances of promotions : All higher posts were reserved for the British. The Indian soldiers couldn’t go above the post of Subedar. Thus, the future of Indian soldiers was bleak.
‍4. Faulty distribution of troops : Places of strategic importance like Delhi and Allahabad had no British armies and were wholly held by the Indian soldiers.
‍5. Performance of the British troops : The British army suffered major reverses in the first Afghan War and the Crimean War broke the myth that the Britishers were invincible. It further was revealed to the Indian soldiers that the British army could be defeated by a determined Indian army.

Q4. By 1857, conditions were ripe for a mass uprising in the form of the Great Revolt of 1857. In this context, explain Any three political causes of the revolt.


Political causes of the revolt of 1857 were :
‍1. British policy of expansion : The British tried to expand their political power in India by four ways that were by outright wars, the system of Subsidiary Alliance, by adopting the Doctrine of Lapse and on the pretext of alleged misrule.
‍2. Disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah : In 1856, Lord Canning announced that after the death of Bahadur Shah his successors would not be allowed to use the imperial titles with their names and would not be known as the real princes.
‍3. Treatment given to Nana Saheb : Nana Saheb was the adopted son of Bajirao II, the last Peshwa. The British refused to grant Nana Saheb the pension they were paying to Bajirao II. This was widely resented in Maratha state.
‍4. Absentee sovereignty of the British : Since India was being ruled by the British government from England at a distance of thousand miles this was resented by the Indians.
The Indians felt that they were being ruled from England and India’s wealth was being drained to England and not utilised for their welfare.

Q5. Explain briefly any three differences in the methods adopted between the Early Nationalists and the Radicals (Assertive Nationalists), in the National Movement.


Early NationalistsRadicals (Assertive Nationalists)
1. The Early Nationalists wanted to achieve self government and they strove for autonomy within the Empire and not for absolute independence.The Radicals aimed for nothing less than Swaraj as it existed in the United Kingdom.
2. They believed in constitutional methods and worked within the framework of the law.They were assertive in their approach.
3. They held good positions under the British government.They denounced British rule and defied it.
4. They had faith in the British sense of justice and fair play.They rejected British rule and held responsible for the prevailing poverty of the Indian people
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Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: The INC was founded in 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume, Dadabhai Naoroji, Dinshaw Wacha, Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee, Monomohun Ghose, and other leaders.
Ans: The Moderates aimed at constitutional reforms, greater participation for Indians in governance, civil rights, administrative reforms, and the establishment of a representative government.
Ans: The Moderates believed in peaceful and constitutional methods. They used petitions, resolutions, meetings, and dialogues to present their demands to the British authorities.
Ans: This phase is called the “Moderate Phase” due to the moderate demands and peaceful methods of agitation employed by the leaders, who sought reforms rather than full independence.
Ans: Prominent leaders of this phase included Dadabhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee, and Omesh Chunder Bonnerjee.