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Water Resources

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Class 10 Geography Chapter 7
Water Resources
Important Questions

Here are some Class 10 Natural Water Resources Important Questions and answers These questions aim to aid students in practising and achieving high scores in their ICSE Class 10 Geography Examination 2024-25. ICSE class 10 geography important questions will be helpful in scoring good marks and enhance the preparation for the exam. Regular practice with questions helps students become familiar with the structure and format of the exam. By practising Class 10 Natural Water Resources Important Questions and answers students can identify areas where they are struggling. This allows them to focus on these weak points, seeking additional help if needed, and improving overall performance.


Water, the elixir of life, shapes the very essence of our planet, and its management is central to the sustenance of ecosystems, agriculture, and human life. In the realm of ICSE Class 10 Geography, the study of water resources becomes a captivating journey into understanding the distribution, utilisation, and conservation of this precious asset. Water resources encompass all the natural sources of water, including rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, and oceans, that contribute to the hydrological cycle. These topics are important while studying Class 10 Natural Water Resources Important Questions and answers.

What are Water Resources?

Water resources encompass all sources of water that are potentially useful or essential for various human activities and ecosystems. These resources include rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, and even atmospheric water. They are vital for agriculture, industry, drinking, sanitation, and sustaining ecosystems. Rivers and lakes serve as primary sources for freshwater supply, supporting irrigation and providing habitats for aquatic life. Groundwater, stored in aquifers, is crucial for drinking water and irrigation in many regions. Managing and conserving these water resources are critical for meeting growing demands, ensuring equitable distribution, and preserving the environment for future generations.
geography class 10 icse syllabus 2023

Class 10 Water Resources Important Questions and Answers

Q 1. Why has Thar developed into a desert ?
(a) It has no cloud cover
(b) It is near the sea
(c) It is on the windward side of Western Ghats
(d) Aravalli is parallel to S.W. Monsoon wind

Ans. (d) Aravalli is parallel to S.W. Monsoon wind
There is a mountain range in Rajasthan namely the Aravalli Hills but they stretch South-west to North-east direction. Thus, the Aravalli Hills are roughly parallel to the Arabian Sea Monsoon

Q 2. The two types of canal irrigation are:
(a) Channels and trenches.
(b) Unlined and lined.
(c) Inundation and perennial.
(d) Elongated and wide.

Ans. (c) Inundation and perennial.
There are two types of Canal irrigation- Inundation Canal and Perennial Canals. Canal irrigation is the most important form of irrigation in India and It is cheaper.

Q 3. Mention any three water harvesting systems practised in India. ?

1. The simplest rainwater harvesting technique is ‘check’ dams. It is a small barrier built across streams. They store water during the monsoons which can then be used for irrigation and other things.
2. Another rainwater harvesting technique is the storage tank kept underground and connected to the pipe coming down from the roof. The rainwater enters the tank through a filter which removes leaves and other debris. The system contains a pump which pushes or sucks the rainwater back into the house which is then delivered to the garden and for washing clothes, etc.
3. Another rainwater collection system is the Garden Watersaver Diverter. It is a downspout rainwater diverter which simplifies the collection of rainwater. It has many advantages over other rainwater collection systems, that is, it instals in minutes and deactivates in seconds during winter when stored water isn’t much needed.

Q 4. Where are tanks most widely used in India ? Why ?

Tanks are mostly used in Peninsular India. This is because :
1. Peninsular India consists of hard impenetrable rocks which favour the storage of water.
2. Depressions in the plateau regions can be used as natural tanks.

Q 5. What are the favourable conditions in India for the development of irrigation ?


(i) Perennial Rivers : There are a number of rivers which flow throughout the year because they are fed by the melting of snow.
(ii) Suitable spots for the construction of dams : Along the Indian streams there are many places suitable for construction of dams or embankments across the streams for impounding the water.
(iii) Inexhaustible store of underground water : A large proportion of the rain water finds its way underneath the surface by percolation and remains stored in the aquifer rock-layer. This underground water can be tapped for irrigation when required.
(iv) Arable land is level : Arable lands in India are confined to the northern plains and also parts of deltaic India which are level and suitable for the construction of canals.
(v) Abundance of natural depressions in Southern India : Peninsular India is mostly a plateau region with rolling uplands. There are a number of natural depressions. Only an earthen embankment is required to check the outflow.

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ICSE Class 10 Geography Chapter wise Important Questions


If you are looking to further practice and enhance your understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapter, provides a comprehensive set of ICSE class 10 important questions of Water Resources for understanding the concept in a better way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Water resources are vital for sustaining life, supporting agriculture, driving industries, generating energy, and maintaining ecosystems. They play a crucial role in the overall development and well-being of societies.
Ans: Water resources are unevenly distributed globally due to factors such as geography, climate, and topography. Some regions have abundant water, while others face water scarcity.
Ans: Rivers are significant as they serve as natural conduits for water, providing freshwater for agriculture, drinking, and various human activities. They are crucial components of water resource systems.
Ans: Water is essential for irrigation, a key component of agriculture. It supports the growth of crops, enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security.
Ans: Challenges include water scarcity, uneven distribution, over-extraction of groundwater, pollution, and the impact of climate change on rainfall patterns.