The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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Class 10 History Chapter 1
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Important Questions

Here are some important Class 10 History questions for Chapter 1, “The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.” These questions aim to aid students in practising and achieving high scores in their CBSE Class 10 Social Science Examination 2024-25. Diverse question types will assist in clarifying doubts and effective exam preparation, enhancing problem-solving skills, and building confidence.


The Rise of Nationalism in Europe” explores the emergence and growth of nationalist movements in various European countries during the 19th century. It focuses on how people came together to form nation-states based on shared language, culture, and history. The chapter covers key events, such as the French Revolution, the unification of Italy and Germany, and the impact of nationalism on Ottoman empires.
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Class 10 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Important Questions and Answers

Q 1. ‘‘When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold’’. Who among the following said this popular line ?
(a) Giuseppe Mazzini
(b) Metternich
(c) Otto Von Bismarck
(d) Guiseppe Garibaldi

Ans. (b)


“When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold,” was said by Metternich, the Austrian chancellor. He believed that the political developments in France were intriguing for other European nations.

Q 2. Who among the following was proclaimed King of united Italy in 1861?
(a) Charles I
(b) Victor Emmanuel II
(c) Giuseppe Garibaldi
(d) Nero

Ans. (b)

Victor Emanuel II.Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878) First king (1861-1878) of united Italy and last king of Piedmont-Sardinia (1849-1861).

Q 3. Name the ‘Act’ which resulted in the formation of ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’.


The Acts of Union, passed by the English and Scottish Parliaments in 1707, led to the creation of a united kingdom to be called “Great Britain” on 1 May of that year. The UK Parliament met for the first time in October 1707.

Q 4. Name the customs union formed at the initiative of Prussia in 1834.


Zollverein, German customs union established in 1834 under Prussian leadership. It created a free-trade area throughout much of Germany and is often seen as an important step in German reunification.

Q 5. Describe the explosive conditions prevailed in the Balkans after 1871 in Europe.

Balkan region was a source of tension because of the following reasons:
(i) It was a region of geographical, ethnic variation comprising Romania, Bulgaria, etc., and its inhabitants were broadly known as Slavs.
(ii) Large part of Balkans was under the Ottoman Empire and the disintegration of which created an explosive situation. One by one its European subject nationalities broke away from its control and declared independence.
(iii) Balkan peoples based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they were independent but subsequently subjugated.
(iv) The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other & hoped to gain territory.
(v) Matters complicated because of intense rivalry among European powers over Trade & colonies as well as naval and military might.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter wise Important Questions


If you are looking to further practice and enhance your understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapter, provides a comprehensive set of questions for understanding the concept in a better way

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Imperialism is the ideology and policy of extending the rule or authority of a country over that of another and its people either through military, economic or political means.
Ans: The main aim of the French revolutionaries was to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. They proclaimed that it was the people who would constitute the nation and shape its decisions.
Ans: The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon, and create a new conservative order in Europe.
Ans: Bismarck had a number of primary aims: to unify the north German states under Prussian control. to weaken Prussia’s main rival, Austria, by removing it from the German Federation. to make Berlin, not Vienna, the centre of German affairs.
Ans: The term Liberal Nationalism is the adherence to the principles of equality, tolerance, liberty, and individual rights. Liberal nationalism stands for many things – individual liberty, representative government, violence against private property, equality before the law, and the constitution.