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Mineral and Energy Resources

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Class 10 Geography Chapter 5
Mineral and Energy Resources
Important Questions

Here are some crucial Class 10 Geography questions for Chapter 5, “Mineral and Energy Resources” .These questions have been formulated with the intention of assisting students in their preparation, enabling them to practise extensively and attain excellent scores in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science Examination 2024-25. By incorporating various question formats, these queries are poised to alleviate uncertainties, foster efficient exam readiness, amplify proficiency in problem-solving, and foster a sense of self-assurance.


In the Class 10 NCERT Chapter 5 on Mineral and Energy Resources in Geography, the term ‘resources’ pertains to items utilised to bring benefits to humans. This commonly refers to natural resources, especially those that are both limitless and renewable. Mineral resources derive from minerals, as their name suggests. On the other hand, energy resources cover the entire range of energy sources, including those that can be renewed and those that cannot.
minerals and energy resources class 10 cbse important questions

Class 10 Mineral and Energy Resources Important Questions and Answers

Q1. In which one of the following States is the Kaiga Nuclear Energy plant located?
(a) Gujarat
(b) Karnataka
(c) Punjab
(d) Kerala

Ans. (b)

Kaiga Generating Station is a nuclear power generating station situated at Kaiga, near the river Kali, in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka, India.

Q2. In which one of the following States is Rawatbhata Nuclear Energy Plant located?
(a) Gujarat
(b) Kerala
(c) Punjab
(d) Rajasthan

Ans. (d)

The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS; also Rajasthan Atomic Power Project - RAPP) is located at Rawatbhata in the state of Rajasthan, India.

Q3. Describe any three characteristics of ‘Odisha-Jharkhand belt’ of iron ore in India.

The Odisha-Jharkhand Belt has the following characteristics :
(i) Odisha is rich in hematite ore of high grade.
(ii) Hematite ore is found in the Badampahar mines, which are located in the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts.
(iii) Hematite iron ore is also found in the Gua and Noamundi mines, which are located in the Singhbhum district of Jharkhand.

Q4. Suggest and explain any three ways to reduce the use of petrol.

The three ways to reduce the use of petrol are given below :
(i) Switching to alternative sources such as solar energy in the forms of solar heater, solar cookers, use of natural gas and wind energy are some ways to reduce their usage. We can also reduce the use of these natural resources by using public transport and carpool.
(ii) Preference of alternative resources should be given for using renewable natural resources such as the sun and the wind. Windmills use wind energy to produce electricity. The solar energy is used to heat water, cook food and to generate electricity.
(iii) Environmental education plays an important role in creating awareness. Through environmental education, people come to know about their rights and duties towards nature.

Q5. Why is energy needed? How can we conserve energy resources? Explain.

Energy is needed for the generation of power that aids in industrial production by the combustion of fossil fuels. Energy is always required as a fuel for vehicles.
We should take the following steps to conserve non-renewable resources :
Prohibiting wastage of resources : Wastage of resources should be reduced. Switching off fans, lights and electronic appliances when not in use, using cooking gas economically, use of pressure cookers, using tube lights in place of electric bulbs are some ways of conserving non-renewable resources which could help in a big way.
Use of substitutes : Alternative sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, energy from biomass (biogas), etc., can be used on a large scale as a substitute of fossil fuels. For example; use of solar cookers for domestic uses.
Recycling resources : All types of metal wastes, glass, paper and plastic can be recycled and used again. For example; Recycling of paper helps to conserve forests.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter wise Important Questions


If you aim to reinforce and deepen your grasp of the topics covered in this chapter, offers an extensive collection of questions designed to help you gain a more thorough understanding of the concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a crystalline structure that are formed through geological processes. Examples include Coal, Iron Ore, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc. These minerals are often found within materials known as ‘ores,’ where a mineral is combined with other elements. They tend to be present in crevices, fractures, faults, or joints within igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Ans: Mining has environmental repercussions such as erosion, sinkhole formation, biodiversity decline, and the pollution of soil, groundwater, and surface water due to the discharge of chemicals from mining activities.
Ans: Solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy (derived from organic materials), hydro energy (from water), tidal energy (from the gravitational pull of the moon), and ocean energy (extracted from the movement of oceans) are categorised as non-conventional or renewable energy resources. These sources are considered non-conventional due to their sustainable nature and their potential to reduce environmental impact compared to traditional fossil fuels.
Ans: Solar energy is any type of energy generated by the sun. Solar energy can be harnessed directly or indirectly for human use. These solar panels, mounted on a rooftop in Germany, harvest solar energy and convert it to electricity.
Ans: Minimising mining process wastage. Recycling metals from scrap materials. Employing renewable substitutes. Sustainable utilisation of mineral resources. Utilising advanced technologies for low-cost processing of low-grade ores.