Table of Contents
Ans. (c)
Tendrils are specialised structures in climbing plants that help them grasp supports. In pea plants, the growth of tendrils is due to rapid cell division in the tendrillar cells that are away from the support. When tendrils come into contact with a support, the cells on the side touching the support grow slower compared to the cells on the opposite side, which grow rapidly. This differential growth causes the tendril to curl around the support.
Ans. (b)
Cretinism is a disorder in children due to the hyposecretion of thyroid hormone. Cretinism leads to dwarfism with serious mental retardation and the individuals are called cretins.Thyroxine is a major hormone that is produced by the thyroid gland and contains iodine.The deficiency of iodine in the diet causes less secretion of thyroxine causing cretinism.
Ans. (b)
The sympathetic nerves and the parasympathetic nerves work in opposition to regulate the heart rate. The sympathetic system speeds up the heart rate when needed, while the parasympathetic system slows it down when the body is at rest. This balance ensures that the heart rate adapts appropriately to different physiological needs and conditions.
Ans. (b)
Stem is positively phototropic and the root is positively geotropic. Plant hormone auxin is synthesised at the root tips as well as by the shoot apex. In stem growth is more at the shaded region due to more accumulation of auxins on that side as a result shoot bends towards light. Whereas in root, growth is more on the light receiving side as auxins get accumulated on the shaded side of the root tip which inhibits the growth of that side. So, there is greater growth in the upper side resulting in growth of root apex towards earth’s gravity.
Ans. (b)
(a) Stimulus → Receptor → Sensory nerves → Brain or spinal cord Motor nerves → Effector → Response.
(b) Neurons are specialised for rapid transmission of electrical signals over long distances. If neurons were disc-shaped, their ability to conduct electrical impulses efficiently would be compromised. Disc-shaped neurons would have less surface area for synaptic connections and might not effectively support the long-distance transmission of signals required for proper functioning of the nervous system.
(c) The exocrine part of the pancreas produces digestive enzymes that are essential for breaking down food in the small intestine. If this part is damaged, the production and secretion of digestive juices will be impaired, leading to poor digestion and absorption of nutrients. This can result in digestive disorders and malnutrition.
(d) (i) Pancreas is the incorrect word replaced by pituitary gland.
(ii) Iron is the incorrect word replaced by iodine.
Chapter No. | Chapter Name |
Chapter 1 | Chemical Reactions and Equations |
Chapter 2 | Acid, Bases and Salts |
Chapter 3 | Metals and Non-Metals |
Chapter 4 | Carbon and its Compounds |
Chapter 5 | Life Processes |
Chapter 6 | Control and Coordination |
Chapter 7 | How do Organisms Reproduce |
Chapter 8 | Heredity |
Chapter 9 | Light : Reflection and Refraction |
Chapter 10 | The Human Eye and the Colourful world |
Chapter 11 | Electricity |
Chapter 12 | Magnetic Effects of Electric Current |
Chapter 13 | Our Environment |
Ans: (a) Sensory neurons occur in sense organs and receive stimuli through their dendrites. The sensory neurons transmit impulses towards the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with the help of their axons.
(b) Cranium : The bones of cranium or brain box protect the brain from mechanical injury.
(c) Vertebral column : Major function of the vertebral column is protection of the spinal cord and carries the weight of the upper body.
(d) Motor neuron: The dendrites of these neurons synapse with axons of interneurons in the central nervous system. They transmit impulses from the central nervous system towards effectors (muscles or glands). The latter respond to stimuli.
Chapter Wise Important Questions for CBSE Board Class 10 Science |
Chemical Reactions and Equations |
Acid, Bases and Salts |
Metals and Non-Metals |
Carbon and its Compounds |
Life Processes |
Control and Coordination |
How do Organisms Reproduce |
Heredity |
Light : Reflection and Refraction |
The Human Eye and the Colourful world |
Electricity |
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current |
Our Environment |
CBSE Important Questions Class 10
ICSE Important Questions Class 10
CBSE Important Questions Class 10
ICSE Important Questions Class 10