The Nervous System and Sense Organs

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Class 10 Biology Chapter 9
The Nervous System and Sense Organs
Important Questions

Here, you’ll find important questions related to Chapter 9 The Nervous System and Sense Organs For ICSE Class 10 Biology. These questions have been crafted to assist students in their preparation for the ICSE Class 10 Biology Examination in 2024–25. By practising various question types, students can clarify their doubts, enhance their exam readiness, boost their confidence, and refine their problem-solving skills.


In the world of biology, few systems are as fascinating and intricate as the Nervous System and Sense Organs. These components of our body are like the conductors of an orchestra, orchestrating the symphony of sensations and responses that define our interaction with the environment. As students of Class 10 ICSE delve into the captivating realm of biology, understanding the Nervous System and Sense Organs becomes paramount.In this chapter, we embark on a journey to unravel the complexities of these systems, exploring how our bodies perceive and respond to the world around us. To aid in your exploration, we will delve into a curated selection of important questions specifically tailored for Class 10 ICSE biology. These essential inquiries encompass critical aspects of the nervous system, offering valuable insights that will not only enhance your knowledge but also prepare you effectively for examinations. So, as you embark on this educational voyage, be ready to dive deep into the Nervous System and Sense Organs, armed with these important questions, and gain a comprehensive understanding of this vital aspect of biology.

What is The Nervous System and Sense Organs ?

The Nervous System and Sense Organs are crucial components of the human body that work together to perceive, process, and respond to information from the external environment and internal body functions. Here’s a brief overview of each: ‍
Nervous System: The nervous system is a complex network of specialised cells, called neurons, and supportive cells known as neuroglia. It is responsible for transmitting signals or information throughout the body. The nervous system can be divided into two main parts:
a. Central Nervous System (CNS): This includes the brain and the spinal cord. The CNS processes information and coordinates responses to various stimuli. It is the control centre of the body.
b. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): The PNS consists of nerves that extend from the CNS to all parts of the body. It helps in carrying signals to and from the CNS. The PNS is further divided into the somatic nervous system (responsible for voluntary movements) and the autonomic nervous system (controls involuntary functions like heart rate and digestion).
‍Sense Organs: Sense organs are specialised structures in the body that allow us to perceive and respond to different types of stimuli from the environment. These organs include:
a. Eyes: The eyes are responsible for vision. They contain receptors called photoreceptors that detect light and convert it into electrical signals that the brain interprets as images.
b. Ears: The ears are responsible for hearing and balance. The inner ear contains specialised receptors for detecting sound vibrations and changes in position.
c. Nose: The nose is responsible for the sense of smell. It contains olfactory receptors that detect odour molecules in the air.
d. Tongue: The tongue is responsible for the sense of taste. Taste buds on the tongue detect different flavours like sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
e. Skin: The skin is the largest sense organ and is responsible for the sense of touch, temperature, and pain. It contains various receptors that transmit these sensations to the brain. The Nervous System and Sense Organs work together to gather information from the environment, process that information, and initiate appropriate responses. This complex and integrated system is essential for our survival and allows us to interact with the world around us in a meaningful way.
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Class 10 Biology The Nervous System and Sense Organs Important Questions and Answers

Q1. Identify the Given Point in diagram:
657817f534264d514f2de8d7 the nurvous sys Q.1
Choose from the correct options:
(a) 1-Cerebrum, 2-Hypothalamus, 3-Spinal cord, 4-Cerebellum, 5-Medulla
(b) 1-Cerebrum, 2-Pituitary gland, 3-Spinal cord, 4-Cerebellum, 5-Pons
(c) 1-Cranium, 2-Hypothalamus, 3-Medulla, 4-Cerebrum, 5-Pons
(d) 1-Cerebellum, 2-Hypothalamus, 3-Spinal cord, 4-Cerebrum, 5-Medulla

Ans.(a) 1-Cerebrum, 2-Hypothalamus, 3-Spinal cord, 4-Cerebellum, 5-Medulla

657817f534264d514f2de8d9 structure of brain q.1
Q2. Which is the major component of the central nervous system?
(a) White matter is major
(b) Gray matter is major
(c) Pink matter is major
(d) Both Grey matter and white matter are equal.

Ans. (b) Gray matter is major

Gray Matter is the tissue which forms the major component of the central nervous system(CNS). It is found at the exterior part of the brain. It is also present in the spinal cord. It is majorly composed of Nerve cell body.

Q3. Name the photoreceptors found in the retina of the eye.

Photoreceptors found in the retina of the eye are rods and cons.

Q4. Which system comprises both the spinal cord and brain.

The Central Nervous system comprises both the spinal cord and brain. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord which are responsible for processing the information received from various body parts. The brain contains centres for processing sensory information and the spinal cord emerges from the lower part of the brain and produces reflex actions.

Q5. Describe the structure and location of various taste buds.

Structure of taste buds : Structure of taste buds : There are four primary tastes–sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The taste receptors are called taste buds. Each taste bud opens on the tongue surface through a taste pore. Each taste bud contains 60–65 spindle-shaped cells, out of which 5-15 are taste receptor cells and others are supporting cells. The taste receptor cells produce protoplasmic outgrowths called taste hair. The taste hair projects through taste pores and receives the stimulus of taste.

Taste budsLocation
SweetFront of the tongue
SaltTip and sides of the tongue
BitterRear side of the tongue
SourBack and sides of the tongue
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ICSE Class 10 Biology Chapter wise Important Questions


The study of the nervous system and sense organs is a fascinating journey into the intricate world of human physiology and perception. offers a valuable resource in the form of a comprehensive collection of questions, allowing students to reinforce their understanding of this critical topic. These questions not only serve as a means of self-assessment but also as a tool for enhancing comprehension and retention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: The human nervous system controls all activities of the body in a quicker fashion. It can be divided into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and brain and the peripheral covers the nerves branching from the spinal cord and brain.
Ans: The nerves that extend throughout the body on both sides and emerge directly from the brainstem and brain are called cranial nerves. They carry information from the brain to other parts, primarily to the neck and head.
Ans: The nerves that extend throughout the body on both sides and emerge directly from the brainstem and brain are called cranial nerves. They carry information from the brain to other parts, primarily to the neck and head.
Ans: In addition to its main function for hearing, ears are responsible for helping us to sense our balance or equilibrium through the vestibular system found in the inner part of the ear. It consists of three semicircular canals that play a role in balancing. One can feel unsteady and dizzy if any inflammation or an abnormality in the inner ear occurs. A proper balance system helps in walking, standing and moving without falling. The inner ear is one of the organs responsible to send signals to the brain for keeping us balanced
Ans: Sense organs and their functions are vital for living organisms. The olfactory organ comprises upper regions in the nasal cavity, nose, mucous membrane, and other respiratory tract areas. The major functions include perceiving the sense of smell, providing air for respiration, cleaning organs by avoiding foreign debris. Determining odour through nasal receptors and pulse transmission to cells is performed by our olfactory system.