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Reproductive Health

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Class 12 Biology Chapter 3
Reproductive Health
Important Questions

Explore crucial questions related to Chapter 3 on Reproductive Health for Class 12 Biology. These specific queries have been crafted to assist students in preparing for the CBSE Class 12 Biology Examination 2024–25. Engaging with various question formats will enable students to address uncertainties, ensuring thorough readiness for the upcoming exams. Tackling these questions not only boosts confidence but also hones problem-solving skills. Elevate your understanding of sexual reproduction in flowering plants with these essential Class 12 Biology questions, covering both the vital and most important aspects of the topic.


Reproductive health is a multifaceted and integral aspect of overall well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and social dimensions related to the reproductive system. From the prevention of diseases to promoting responsible sexual behaviour, reproductive health education plays a pivotal role in fostering a society that is well-informed and empowered. As we embark on this exploration, we’ll unravel the intricacies of reproductive health, addressing crucial aspects that form the basis of reproductive health class 12 questions and answers, focusing on reproductive health class 12 important questions, and the broader spectrum of reproductive health important questions.

What is Reproductive Health?

Reproductive health is a holistic concept that goes beyond the absence of disease and encompasses the overall well-being of individuals in matters related to reproduction. It involves physical, mental, and social aspects, ensuring that individuals can lead a safe and satisfying sexual life. This encompasses family planning, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the provision of healthcare services during pregnancy and childbirth. Additionally, reproductive health promotes gender equality and addresses the social determinants that impact reproductive well-being. In the context of academic studies, exploring reproductive health is often accompanied by questions and answers, and class 12 students can practise reproductive health class 12 important questions to deepen their understanding.

Class 12 Reproductive Health Important Questions and Answers

Q1. What is the primary purpose of Amniocentesis?
(a) Treating infertility
(b) Diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus
(c) Assisting in the process of childbirth
(d) Increasing the chances of conception

Ans. (b) Diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus
Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic procedure used to detect chromosomal abnormalities and foetal infections. It involves the extraction of a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains foetal tissues, for analysis. This allows for the identification of conditions such as Down syndrome and other genetic disorders before birth.

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a method of contraception?
(a) Vasectomy
(b) Intrauterine device (IUD)
(c) Amniocentesis
(d) Oral contraceptive pills

Ans. (c) Amniocentesis
Amniocentesis is a diagnostic procedure used to detect chromosomal abnormalities and is not a method of contraception. In contrast, Vasectomy, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and oral contraceptive pills are all methods used to prevent pregnancy.

Q3. Explain the term 'Sexually Transmitted Infections' (STIs).

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), formerly known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections that are primarily spread through sexual contact. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Common examples include HIV/AIDS, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and herpes. Many STIs can be asymptomatic, highlighting the importance of regular screening for sexually active individuals to ensure early detection and treatment.

Q4. What is the significance of family planning in reproductive health?

Family planning is vital for reproductive health as it enables couples to determine the number and spacing of their children. This helps in avoiding unwanted pregnancies, reduces the risk of pregnancy-related health issues, and contributes to the betterment of the health and welfare of children. It also plays a significant role in controlling population growth and improving the socio-economic status of families.

Q5. Discuss various methods of contraception and their importance in population control and reproductive health.

Contraception is crucial for controlling population growth and maintaining reproductive health. Various methods of contraception include:

  • Barrier Methods: These prevent the sperm from entering the uterus, e.g., condoms, diaphragms.
  • Hormonal Methods: These involve pills, patches, injections, or implants that release hormones to prevent ovulation, e.g., oral contraceptive pills.
  • Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): These are inserted into the uterus and prevent the implantation of a fertilised egg or make the environment hostile for sperm.
  • Surgical Methods: These include vasectomy in males (cutting and tying the vas deferens) and tubectomy in females (cutting and tying the fallopian tubes).
  • Natural Methods: These rely on the understanding of the fertility cycle and include the rhythm method, withdrawal method, etc.

The importance of contraception lies in its role in allowing individuals and couples to decide if and when to have children. It helps in reducing unintended pregnancies, decreasing the need for unsafe abortions, and controlling the rate of population growth. Moreover, it contributes to the health and well-being of women by spacing births and reducing the risk of pregnancy-related complications. Contraception is also essential in preventing the transmission of STIs, especially barrier methods like condoms.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter wise Important Questions


The exploration of reproductive health reveals its intricate connection to overall well-being, emphasising not only the absence of diseases but also the broader aspects of physical, mental, and social health related to reproduction. For students delving into this crucial field, the journey is enriched by platforms like, which provides a rich collection of questions and materials. These resources extend beyond theoretical knowledge, offering practical insights and a deeper understanding of reproductive health, including reproductive health class 12 questions and answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: Reproductive health is crucial as it encompasses the overall well-being related to reproduction, ensuring that individuals have access to information, healthcare services, and the empowerment to make informed decisions about their reproductive lives. It goes beyond disease prevention, emphasising physical, mental, and social aspects.
Ans: The key components include family planning, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), maternal and child healthcare, access to safe and legal abortion, and promoting gender equality. These aspects contribute to creating a holistic approach to reproductive well-being.
Ans: Family planning allows individuals to decide the number and spacing of their children, promoting responsible parenthood. It enhances the health of mothers and children, reduces the risk of unintended pregnancies, and contributes to overall societal well-being.
Ans: Reproductive health education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their reproductive lives. It promotes healthy behaviours, reduces the risk of reproductive health issues, and contributes to the overall well-being of communities.
Ans: Gender equality is fundamental to reproductive health as it ensures that both men and women have equal rights and opportunities in matters of reproduction. It promotes access to education, healthcare, and decision-making, contributing to the overall improvement of reproductive well-being.